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A little about me

Hi, my name's Jasmine! Nice to meet you :) 

 I create short skits, stories, and more. I guess you could call me an aspiring artist, novelist, and animator protegee- whatever you want to call it. Let's just say my career path journey began way back years ago but instead of talking about that let me just tell you about a few of my skills. 


Drawing and Manga!  

I have a sort of love-hate relationship when it comes to drawing. I love sketching and I hate how much I suck at it. Pretty much it. Reading manga got me really interested into different drawing styles and showed me how words were not the only tools for crafting a brilliant story but that even art had its own story to be told. This led me to: 



After three years of taking drawing class in high school, it finally dawned on me that I was really bad! However, my struggle helped me discover something much deeper than that, which was that sketches, pictures, and paintings were their own forms of narratives.

Even the most abstract piece of art has a message to be told. 













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